A.3 Apollo to Avery

Last time, eight more kids were born.  Some moved out and started their lives after university.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-01-15

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-05-20

Atlas either just became a toddler or this is just a random pic.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-07-41

Axel, Asher and Archer play hacky sack after school.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-07-49

I think Aria brought this guy home.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-10-44

Fired from work is a cause for celebration around here.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-13-13

Aurora is cleaning up the messy house.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-15-51

Overachiever for this guy.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-17-08

I think they are all ready for University now.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-18-53

Child sized Atlas.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-19-18

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-20-17

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-20-24

He ended up just getting demoted and the next day he went back and got his level back.

So, nope, they are not ready for uni yet.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-23-03

Dinnertime.  All they are doing is waiting for Axel (or whomever) to get level 3.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-25-09

Aviana becomes a toddler.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-32-33

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-32-50

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-33-37

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-34-36

I’m not sure about this montage.  Maybe just wasting time or something.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 14-36-00

Atlas learning to study?

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-08-46

Over at university:

Angus graduates.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-24-18

Back home:  Neil cleans.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-26-02

And studies.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-27-02

And eats.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-29-09

Pays attention to some kid that he helped make.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-30-37

There were snow angels.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-34-23

Elixir of life.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-35-21

and a promotion.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-36-04

There was birthing with an audience of strangers.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-37-27

Which ends up being twins Amari and Avery.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-37-42

Remember that one time when Neil was running the store and kissed some rando?  Well, he saw that Zoey was nearby and rejected her attempt at more flirting.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-38-35

He then told her to get the hell out.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-40-33

Neil:  One more kid she said.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-48-18

Umm…. Aurora, Aviana and Atlas?  Maybe?

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-48-33

Aviana:  Why can’t you figure out which is kid is which?

Umm, because my game hasn’t worked in months and this post was all pic’d out with no narration.  I’m just making this shit up as I go.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-54-15

Zoey:  Hello, I need friends.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-59-41

Okay, I’m a pregnancy behind.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 15-59-53

The twins end up being Ares and Apollo.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-02-21


Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-07-56

Aurora with hair and makeup.

Aurora is our heiress.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-12-40

Aviana finally getting Zoey off her ass to help her study.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-42-02

Aurora shows off to Neil how to get fit.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-47-01

Zoey:  LABOR!

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-47-26

Now this is Avery and Amari.

How can I be sure you ask?  Well, they are toddlers in game and no one was birthed after them.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-50-07

Aurora getting in some training.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-51-51

Neil may have just topped his career and aspiration.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-52-06

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-52-15

Aviana and Atlas doing some wants together.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-53-13

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-53-30

Ares and Apollo have their birthday.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-56-41

Aurora gets abducted super easy.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-57-09

Atlas ages up and then finds groceries.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 16-59-51

Zoey:  One more kid?
Neil: As long as it’s the last freaking one.  I don’t even remember the names of the others.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 17-05-45

Zoey completed another career and aspiration.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 17-07-41

Then finally a last baby.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 17-08-46

Overachiever Aurora heads off to uni.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 17-17-14

Cleaning time since her morning sickness is super horrible this time around.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 17-28-03

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 17-28-31

Amari and Avery becomes toddlers.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 17-28-51

Apparently Aurora did not become an overachiever.  Whatever, slacker.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 17-29-45

Neil is on the move.  Not sure why.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 17-36-04

Atlas:  Why does school have to suck so bad.
Aviana:  Who cares.  I just want to eat my 2 am pancakes in peace.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-04-03

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-04-44

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-05-32

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-08-04

Graduating class of kids with unremembered names.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-08-32

That’s because Aurora finally went to Uni.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-09-36

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-12-27

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-23-21

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-24-19

Not a super great time, but she is hanging in there.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-25-58

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-26-19

She gets a makeover and spends all of her time finding a man.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-29-23

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-33-08

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-34-48

She ends up finding a lot of secret society peeps.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-52-40

Back home:  Atlas was hanging out after school and Archer passed by.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 18-53-29

Finally baby bump!

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 19-04-08

Ares and Apollo are still around.  They seem to have a surplus of pancakes too.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 19-05-03

Will the pancakes ever fully get eaten?

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 19-05-06


Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 19-13-12

Then Aviana ages up.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 19-15-33

Um…Axel?  Yeah, let’s go with that.  Axel passes by.

Sims2EP9 2021-01-30 19-18-10

Looks like Aviana will get her extraterrestrial scholarship.

Next time, the last A child will be born.  That will make 15 kids for Zoey (16 for Neil due to Angus) and we will get bonus points for that.  Aurora will finish out Uni and hopefully find a spouse.

Note:  Lot was played in January.  The pics were uploaded in March.  I fumbled through this update making shit up in June.

Simnano ’21:  83/750 pictures

3 thoughts on “A.3 Apollo to Avery

  1. “Pays attention to some kid he helped make.” This made me snort so hard.

    Ahhh life with dozens of kids

    Aurora is pretty , she’s a great choice for Heiress

    The things we fumble through for SimNaNo. What a crazy amount of kids hahah

    1. Late reply is late! Only by three-ish years! But, I am loading this save and I had to read all the updates to remember where I was. I may have snorted a time or two myself.

      So many kids! I got confused just reading up on them.

      Aurora did end up being the first pretty sim. I just need her to pick a pretty spouse now.

      I love simnano. We didn’t have one in 2023, but I do miss attempting to get the counts done.

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